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You know you're a detailer when....


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.... Your side business explodes at your 9-5 job after they see your work on 2 Jeeps for photo shoots and giveaways.


.... You have cleaned and polished every stainless item in your home.


.... You can pick out swirls even at night on every other car you pass besides other Adam's members.

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...when you are wheel shopping and base which ones you are going to get on how easy they are to clean and whether the turbo stick will clean the barrels


...on every car you see you run through your plan of attack on how you would detail it and with what arsenal of products and tools


...it takes you 20 minutes to walk from the parking lot to the store because your scoring all the paint on every car in the lot

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...when you see cars in need of shine therapy in the parking lot at work, and plot ways to find the owner so you can help them out.

...you wonder why it bothers you so much that other folks don't take care of their ride the way you do.

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...your wife calls you while stuck in traffic to tell you about the swirled up mess in the next lane (Bugatti Veyron.)


...your wife razzes you about all of your detailing supplies until you do her vehicle then it's all good...if you know what I mean.


...your children tell you your car is sparkly and smells good.


...you think nothing of giving the company car a full detail.


...you have the cleanest vehicle in the parking lot, no matter where you are.


...you take another car for a test drive and when you get back there's a crowd around your car.


...your car is "filthy" and it's still the cleanest car in the parking lot.


...your mom and monster-in-laws cars are cleaner than any of their friends'.


...you've offered your aunt in Sacramento your services in exchange for air fare out there and she says yes.

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I love how it has turned into semi self-confessional thread discussing what most of us are guilty of doing.


You know you're a detailer when when you polish and QS your tool box, barbeque, external hard drive, your guitars, a maglite and iphone.




This thread was a great idea!!


I thought I was the only one that detailed my BBQ... Don't forget the shower too!

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