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A Day in the Life of a Patriot Wax

THE Mook

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Hey Everyone!


I wanted to share with you what happens to a Patriot Wax container after it's been filled, but awaiting your order...


Keep in mind these beauties are "handled" a few times from the time they are produced until the time they are filled, and then some!  


Before I Attack...




Metal Polish #1 is used to clean all sides.




After getting the sides and bottom cleaned up and polished, I go ahead and hit the top of the lid with Metal Polish #1, Metal Polish #2, and finish with BG.  All on a 4" pad, using an old Porter Cable,












Random Shots..







If you haven't purchased yours yet, be sure to soon!


Edited by Mook@Adams
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Much more interesting than the day in the life of mine AFTER this.  ;) 


Mine sits around freezing its back side off all day...


LOL, mine too. I am looking forward to finally using mine. It's been sitting in the fridge since my wife ordered it. Once I can detail my 350Z again I think it is getting the Patriot treatment.

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I truly think it needs to come in an Americana container at the 125 or so dollar price.  This stuff is too good to be so hard for some to afford.  


The difference between it and Americana are VERY noticeable IMO.  


I totally agree 100% on this comment for sure. 

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I truly think it needs to come in an Americana container at the 125 or so dollar price.  This stuff is too good to be so hard for some to afford.  


The difference between it and Americana are VERY noticeable IMO.


I totally agree 100% on this comment for sure.


x3, but after the 250 and I get my second container. I was amazed that the shine was better than Americana, but it is!

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Have you guys been doing this process since the start or do it just now to new orders of Patriot? I have #5 Patriot and mine didn't seem to be polished like that, not that I'm complaining since I polished it but I was just wondering.

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Have you guys been doing this process since the start or do it just now to new orders of Patriot? I have #5 Patriot and mine didn't seem to be polished like that, not that I'm complaining since I polished it but I was just wondering.



No we haven't.  We had a few show up back to use less than desirable for you guys, so we made the call to just start polishing all of them.  In the beginning, they were all in really, really good shape when they got back to us.



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