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Need for Heavy blue compound?



Every package Adams seems to sell with the swirl killer 15 mm has heavy blue included but not sure if I'd ever need it.......vids show them always using orange and micro pads w orange if needed but not blue. So am I wasting money buying package with it and brushes ect towels....... not sure what's a deal or what's overkill and wasted........HELP ty guys!!!!!

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Agreed with @tlbullet. The general rule is start with least aggressive method first, but if that doesn't work, having the HCC and blue pads might come in handy. If you really don't want it, consider a call to HQ to place your order and ask if they can swap it with another product of comparable value. But if it were me, I would get it to have in my arsenal.

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5 hours ago, Wolverine said:

Every package Adams seems to sell with the swirl killer 15 mm has heavy blue included but not sure if I'd ever need it.......vids show them always using orange and micro pads w orange if needed but not blue. So am I wasting money buying package with it and brushes ect towels....... not sure what's a deal or what's overkill and wasted........HELP ty guys!!!!!

If you do a lot of wet sanding of cars, that’s where the blue pad may come in handy over the orange pad. You could try going from 1500 grit to heavy blue compounding. Again, depends on situation. 

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