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I have a question to whoever is wanting to trade. I know most of us want to trade for stuff we don't have including me. But I have to be honest some of you want to trade but don't know the value you are trading for. I make trades but expect the trade value of the bottle. If you want to make a profit or scam someone don't do it here. eBay is doing a great job for that. Example if I need a Ceramic Boost and its up for trade. I will trade you for the value of it not 1 item less then that. Come one getting tired of people who are just posting to make it to 50 post to trade that for me is shady. They don't even try to make sense on there post . I have done a few trades here and can say there's a few good people here. I was hesitant to trade at first thought what if I get scammed. Then I said oh well lets see how it goes luckily I have trade with good people. But social media is a big thing because you can report that person and words spreads out. Sorry Guys and Gals just wanted to speak what I have been reading and thinking.  If you felt insulted by this I'm sorry but this get old. I'm in for Adamspolsihes  not to make profit could of done it some many times .

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Im right with you man! Another reason I now stay away from wanting to trade anything. I rather purchase from someone who has overstock of a product or just wants to get rid of it at a discounted price.


Sick of seeing.. " I have 2 items but want 6 limited edition detail sprays and your first born"! 

Yes I exaggerated a little bit but believe me I read some individuals trade request and I LMAO!  

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5 hours ago, wildcatz80 said:


I have a question to whoever is wanting to trade. I know most of us want to trade for stuff we don't have including me. But I have to be honest some of you want to trade but don't know the value you are trading for. I make trades but expect the trade value of the bottle. If you want to make a profit or scam someone don't do it here. eBay is doing a great job for that. Example if I need a Ceramic Boost and its up for trade. I will trade you for the value of it not 1 item less then that. Come one getting tired of people who are just posting to make it to 50 post to trade that for me is shady. They don't even try to make sense on there post . I have done a few trades here and can say there's a few good people here. I was hesitant to trade at first thought what if I get scammed. Then I said oh well lets see how it goes luckily I have trade with good people. But social media is a big thing because you can report that person and words spreads out. Sorry Guys and Gals just wanted to speak what I have been reading and thinking.  If you felt insulted by this I'm sorry but this get old. I'm in for Adamspolsihes  not to make profit could of done it some many times .

I have noticed the same thing, maybe it should be 50 posts, plus 3 months of activity to cut down on the games.   I know there have been a few items that interested me that people have put up for trading, but I'm focused on building my supplies so I have nothing to give yet.   When and if I am ready to do some trading, I can assure you that it will be of equal value, we should be here because we believe in the products and outcome, not to make a buck off one another.

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To me, trades are trades, you either are willing or are not willing to make the trade. Its like buying a product at the store. If you like the price you purchase the item, if you dont you look elsewhere. If you dont like the price Adams is charging for a product do you look for another one? Did the pressure washer the put up for sale make you pause? They are essentially doing the same thing, trade your cash for their product in the end you just need to decide if its worth it. 


As stated in the Garage sale rules: "Buyer and seller beware! Adam's Polishes and the Adam's Forums team accept no responsibility for transactions conducted here, although repeated issues or complaints associated with a particular member may result in that member having their private sale privileges revoked."

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Agreed.  And while you may expect an equal trade, it has to be up to the two people trading whether or not they want to trade dollar for dollar, or just to get whatever they each need.  But just remember that if you get taken in on a deal, there's not much anyone here can do about it. 

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With the Special Edition Sprays, the trade forum got out of hand.  I had asked people about things, and all they want is special detail spray.  They have 2 bottles of shampoo and brilliant glaze, but they want 4 special edition detail spray.  So I traded 15 of mine, for a mini swirl killer, so roughly 150$ or $10 a Bottle and I paid Freight just so I didn't have to deal with them anymore.  I made a topic about having a positive or negative post about doing deals with people, to hopefully weed out the people that do bad trades.  

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3 minutes ago, Velvethelmet said:

 I've only done one trade so far and I probably won't do anymore. The trade went fine no problems. 


 The problem is the shipping costs. Add up the cost of the product and shipping and it just isn't worth it. 

Same here. Unless it’s a big trade. Paid more on shipping than anything 

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On 8/10/2018 at 6:53 AM, Velvethelmet said:

 I've only done one trade so far and I probably won't do anymore. The trade went fine no problems. 


 The problem is the shipping costs. Add up the cost of the product and shipping and it just isn't worth it. 

Agreed! I all for starting a locals trading group in Denver. Then we could just trade before Cars and Coffee or whenever works.

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