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Ceramic Boost 2.0 and Storewide Sale!


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On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 8:07 AM, Kyle@Adams said:

For those in question of what's "New" or "Improved" about this product... I'm glad you asked! 


The new Ceramic Boost is still a ceramic silica spray sealant that combines durability and longevity into a hydrophobic spray and wipe formula. BUT we have modified the chemistry within the product to allow for easier application, a streak-free finish, even slicker results, and increased longevity!


Technology changes by the minute and in chemistry, you have almost unlimited options of creating the next best thing. With that being said, this product is 2 years old and originally it was designed for maintaining ceramic coatings and adding unexpected amounts of gloss after your routine wash. Seeing as our customer base has used it on both coated and non-coated vehicles, they were more in search of a spray and wipe formula rather than a more concentrated spray/buff/wipe formulation. By changing the active ingredients and the concentrations within the chemical, we were able to make it even more advanced and extremely easy to use. Not only did we increase the amount of SiO2 within the product, but we changed the active ingredient so instead of having a higher percentage of just one component, we can have smaller percentages of multiple components creating a slicker, glossier, and detail spray-like performance. 


Instead of the typical 1-3 month longevity as a stand alone protective coating, take that up to 4-6 months based on weathering and the elements. 



Any questions are always welcomed. 




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