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Coating Prep as a surface cleanser



Hello all! I am preparing for my first paint correction and I have been spending lots of time shopping to make it go smoothly.  I have strip wash, iron remover and the polish and pad set in my cart ready to go (I have clay at home).  My question is would you recommend coating prep as a final step before I add my sealant and wax?  I am not ceramic coating my car but I still want my paint as clean as possible before I apply a sealant and wax.  All feedback is appreciated! Thank you!  

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8 answers to this question

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Yes, if you are going to be polishing, you will want to hit it with Coating prep prior to applying any sort of last step product (Wax/Sealant/Coating etc.)  The coating prep will remove the polishing oils, to help ensure the you have "naked" paint for the sealant to bond to the paint. If you were doing just a strip wash/reapply of the sealant and no polishing, the stripwash/ironx would leave the surface ready for the sealant.

Edited by nasastang
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On 8/14/2018 at 3:34 PM, pirahnah3 said:

I have not done anything as far as paint cleaning after a polish other than wiping the residue off of the paint. I have not had issues myself. 

I have done it both ways and there is a difference. I've never had issues just wiping off the polish and going straight to LSP either, BUT it does make sense in my mind to rid the surface of all the oils in the polish before you lay down a sealant, wax, glaze etc. 

On 8/14/2018 at 12:49 PM, mc2hill said:

I only have one 16 oz bottle of Adam's Coating Prep, so I use another brand that can be purchased in more economical sizes.  This product does not get much mention, which I think is a shame, and I wish it was available in 1 gallon sizes. 

I think so too! But for how cheap the 32oz bottle is I guess its not so bad. My 32oz bottle has lasted MANY cars already. 

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Just now, nasastang said:

Yes, if you are going to be polishing, you will want to hit it with Coating prep prior to applying any sort of last step product (Wax/Sealant/Coating etc.)  The coating prep will remove the polishing oils type help ensure the you have "naked" paint for the sealant to bond to the paint. If you were doing just a strip wash/reapply of the sealant and no polishing, the stripwash/ironx would leave the surface ready for the sealant.

Great thank you very much. That is what I thought but I wanted to get a second opinion. 

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I always use a "paint prep" before laying any protection down, regardless of my process beforehand. That is because your soap, iron remover, clay lube etc. can leave residue behind. Just my take on the subject. Paint prep is cheap enough and easy to use so I don't overthink it. 

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