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Rinseless Wash 16:1 Incredible!


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Diluting Rinseless Wash 16:1 and using as a waterless wash is amazing.  I truly believe this is the best kept secret of the Adams community.  It’s pennies on the Dollar compared to Waterless Wash and produces better Shine.


I would happily pay double the price if they would replace the bubblegum scent with the waterless blue raspberry though lol.


Edited by ChristopherOrris24
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2 hours ago, ChristopherOrris24 said:

Diluting Rinseless Wash 16:1 and using as a waterless wash is amazing.  I truly believe this is the best kept secret of the Adams community.  It’s pennies on the Dollar compared to Waterless Wash and produces better Shine.


I would happily pay double the price if they would replace the bubblegum scent with the waterless blue raspberry though lol.


I’ve been wanting to try RW. I need to try it now. Thanks!

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9 hours ago, falcaineer said:

Actually, WW is green apple...but I agree the diluted RW works great. I'm not a big fan of the RW scent. But if the RW smelled like the WW, that would be incredible.

I don't smell green apple. It smells exactly like Blue Raspberry Lemonade Kool Aid to me. I love the smell regardless of what it is supposed to smell like. I need to try the rinseless wash. Living in a condo, I think it would be helpful to be able to wash the cars without flooding the shared driveway every time. 

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3 hours ago, aphillips916 said:

So what exactly are you doing to get 16:1? Just got some of this on my first MB and curious to see what you all are talking about 


In this case, it makes a waterless wash-like solution at a much more economical price point. The same is also noted on the RW product page. Take a look at this for more info.



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4 hours ago, aphillips916 said:

So what exactly are you doing to get 16:1? Just got some of this on my first MB and curious to see what you all are talking about 

Get a spray bottle and fill with 16 oz of distilled water and 1 oz of Rinseless Wash. Love this stuff.  You can mix up the dilution and put in a smaller bottle to keep in the car with a borderless Gray (the plush one) for bird bombs. That’s what I do.

If I am going on a trip overnight with the fun car, I’ll take my 32 oz bottle and use the solution for the aforementioned bird bombs, cleaning the windshield, and spraying the bugs on my bumper. Easier to get those suckers off right away as opposed to a few days later. 


Check out the great deal on the plush grays on amazon. 


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8 hours ago, falcaineer said:


Never tried it, but maybe it could on door panels. Do you not have interior products yet?

Only leather cleaner and conditioner.  I just can’t see me using ww on the outside of my truck.  It smells great, like a blu raspberry slushee.  

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2 hours ago, 8675309'SS said:

Get a spray bottle and fill with 16 oz of distilled water and 1 oz of Rinseless Wash. Love this stuff.  You can mix up the dilution and put in a smaller bottle to keep in the car with a borderless Gray (the plush one) for bird bombs. That’s what I do.

If I am going on a trip overnight with the fun car, I’ll take my 32 oz bottle and use the solution for the aforementioned bird bombs, cleaning the windshield, and spraying the bugs on my bumper. Easier to get those suckers off right away as opposed to a few days later. 


Check out the great deal on the plush grays on amazon. 

That's how I use my RW. I'm not the only one then. I don't do the 2- 5 gallon RW in that case I would just completely wash my jeep or Tahoe.  

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13 hours ago, falcaineer said:

She looks great, Matt. Nice work.

Thank you!  I’m still a little unsure if I want to use it on the Corvette. I think for now I’ll stick to the standard 2 bucket wash for her ? the daily driver is my test subject for all my new products lol 

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19 hours ago, falcaineer said:


Never tried it, but maybe it could on door panels. Do you not have interior products yet?


10 hours ago, CoonHound693 said:

Only leather cleaner and conditioner.  I just can’t see me using ww on the outside of my truck.  It smells great, like a blu raspberry slushee.  


Sorry, I meant interior panels. But it does an awesome job on the outside of the car, too.

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On 8/23/2018 at 3:51 AM, aphillips916 said:

So what exactly are you doing to get 16:1? Just got some of this on my first MB and curious to see what you all are talking about 


What I did was get a gallon of Distilled Water, and an empty 16oz bottle.  The math works out to about 7.5oz  of product needed, so I poured that much water out from the gallon.  And replaced it with that much product directly into the gallon.  Now you have 16:1 premixed in a gallon, ready to go 

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I just bought one of these, makes it really easy to mix up and more than enough for SEVERAL washes. 



You could also use one of the ik sprayers, but the mix will be a bit funky as they are 35oz. 



OR if you just buy the rinseless starter kit you get the 32oz bottle, a 5gal and 5 double softs for $80!! Use that with a 10% -20% off based on sale and you get a heck of a deal! 


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