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Hey all! I'm Susan, and I'm 27, not as old as my name might suggest ? . I'm not new to Adam's products, but I've never joined here for some reason? There's always more to learn and I know this is the best place for the knowledge :) Definitely looking forward to learning more! I have an 04 Stratus Coupe (show car/garage queen half of the year cuz of the winters), Jeep GC (daily driver that sits outside and gets hard water spots on it), as well as a Suzuki Boulevard (also garaged). I also take care of my boyfriend's 300s and Victory (both garaged).... I mean, someone has to, right?! He's not into detailing, he just sticks to the basics when it comes to care. I step in every now and then to give the car a little extra tlc. I bought my Jeep a couple years ago and it was quite a learning curve to go from all white/silver vehicles to this dark green. It is a trouble child since it's outside literally 24/7 and my apartment loves to water everything that's green, whether it's the grass or my Jeep! I do park right next to the grass, so I don't completely blame them. Just annoying......


Anyways, glad to have finally joined! I can't stop buying the mystery promos! Not complaining, just thought I would point that out :D 

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Welcome aboard Susan.  :welcomebanner:  As you can see from my Sig, I'm a huge Mopar fan myself and White is the color of choice for all but my son's Challenger.   White Vinegar may just be the ticket to remove those hard water spots.  If that doesn't do it, try using some Revive Hand Polish.

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15 hours ago, ZMAN024 said:

Welcome aboard Susan.  :welcomebanner:  As you can see from my Sig, I'm a huge Mopar fan myself and White is the color of choice for all but my son's Challenger.   White Vinegar may just be the ticket to remove those hard water spots.  If that doesn't do it, try using some Revive Hand Polish.


#moparornocar ;)  I looooooove white vehicles ❤️ imo nothing looks cleaner when it's just been washed. So far the water spots are coming off easily when I wash it. I just have to wash it more often. I have the ceramic paste wax and ceramic boost that I've been putting on and I've been having good luck so far! Fingers crossed



5 hours ago, pirahnah3 said:

Wow, awesome looking rides, have not heard much about the Stratus since I was running around in the cloudcar days. Had a 2000 sedan myself. 


Ohhh yes, the old cloud cars! Barely any around anymore :( totally have a soft spot for those cars as well as the old Avengers and Sebrings! We used to meet up with a couple of the Stratusphere guys back in the day in the midwest region. Only one showed up last time, made me kind of sad



2 hours ago, ObsessedDetailer said:

Welcome Susan! I use to drive an 05 Jeep GC as well! It wasn't the Hemi sadly.. but it was still a 4.7 V8. the junction block (fuse box) gave out and jeep didn't make that part for that model anymore so we had to sell it sadly.. I miss it all the time because it was a beast. But welcome welcome!


First year of the WK, best year :D  I have had such weird luck with this Jeep. Can't blame the Jeep for any of them, it's old (relatively speaking) and has 150k miles on it. I had a loose wire on the fuel pump that left me sitting one day on my way home from work. It acted just like a bad fuel pump. Luckily didn't order one until we did more troubleshooting! And my Jeep wouldn't start last month, I thought it could've been a few things (disclaimer for all of this: I'm not a mechanic, nor do I pretend to be) it turned out that there was some corrosion near the starter. Now it seems like I have a bad coil. The plan was to swap some of them out from my parent's 07 Hemi Jeep but guess what? Different design. Ended up swapping from their 2500 pickup. Through it all, I love my Jeep, just something about it that makes winters fun when paired with some snow tires. And that deep Hemi exhaust tone ❤️ it hasn't made me spend much on repairs aside from routine maintenance so I've been spending it on some aftermarket goodies instead (including the Adam's treatment)



15 hours ago, M3Eric said:

Welcome to the forum Susan! :welcomebanner: Gonna make a confession...I cant stop buying MB's either! Its an addiction fo real! Nice rides by the way!


I get the look from my boyfriend when I tell him that I ordered more :)  sorry, can't help it! And thanks!!




Thank you all for the warm welcome! :) 

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48 minutes ago, ObsessedDetailer said:

Well thats good! I regret not looking farther int o the Grand Cherokee line at the time because i would have killed for an SRT.. oh man just something about the 05 SRT's is so badass. So fast and so loud. Sad because they are pretty expensive still.


SRT WKs were made from 06-10. Yes, they are still spendy! I would love to upgrade to maybe an early gen SRT WK2 but that's years down the road.... maybe those things will be affordable by then?! Any Jeep, really, seems to be $$$ yet. Good market, that's for sure!

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21 hours ago, MOPAR_girl said:

Ohhh yes, the old cloud cars! Barely any around anymore :( totally have a soft spot for those cars as well as the old Avengers and Sebrings! We used to meet up with a couple of the Stratusphere guys back in the day in the midwest region. Only one showed up last time, made me kind of sad


Still a member well a listed one on the sphere'! Actually some good friends and I used to run CC.O before the whole grouping started to fall apart. Man I remember the days of the "alleged" turbo 1G sedan lol. Man that just brought back memories, SB4, Tippster, Stratusfaction, LB3711, blurr3dvission, and MANY others, Oh and one can never forget Caster, met him at carlisle a few times awesome guy. 

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On 9/12/2018 at 8:09 PM, pirahnah3 said:


Still a member well a listed one on the sphere'! Actually some good friends and I used to run CC.O before the whole grouping started to fall apart. Man I remember the days of the "alleged" turbo 1G sedan lol. Man that just brought back memories, SB4, Tippster, Stratusfaction, LB3711, blurr3dvission, and MANY others, Oh and one can never forget Caster, met him at carlisle a few times awesome guy. 


When someone mentions names that you haven't heard in AGES. I came to the ASEC forum just as things were starting to die down on both forums :(  still much to talk about back then though!! I don't know if I ever actually registered or just lurked on the sphere. Too long ago ? and not sure if you knew, but Caster actually ended up with a stroke :(  seems like he's been fighting an uphill battle since. He's still going though and that's what matters! He's done so much for so many people over the years! I have a (fairly) recent photo with one of the cloud cars that was taken awhile back.. and by that, I mean I had stock lights, wheels that are now long gone, no short throw, etc. You know, basically when times were simpler ?









Thanks everyone for the welcomes!!! :) 

Sorry for the delayed response, went on a little mini vacation to Minneapolis! Tried logging in on my phone and it wasn't going so well

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