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Skeeter Hollow

So our "new" house was built in 1941. At the time it was a 3br 2ba sitting on 12 acres. Over the years it evolved to 4br after the back porch was closed in to make a spare room, a laundry room, and a mud room. Some land was sold off at some point so now we have 6.3 acres (roughly 2 acres are wooded). The property is also home of 60+ pecan trees of different varieties. If I ever get the motivation to harvest them I could probably have a decent side gig! Anyway, our old place had a name, Club Oswego. We were trying to figure out what we were going to name the new place, but it appeared that it already had a name.


Looking around in the yard I discovered a 10X6 concrete pad with something written in it; Skeeter Hollow. We instantly fell in love with the name because it fit so well. After the big flood a ton of skeeters (mosquitoes for the non-southerners) emerged and you could hardly walk to your car without getting swarmed! In the picture shown below, you can see a paw print, the date the concrete was poured, and the initials "A.S.A.". I assume the concrete pad was for a dog kennel since the dog print was there. The "A.S.A." is for American Softball Association (now USAS). We figured this out when we found some old softball related pictures and news paper clippings in the attic and other storage areas. 


We have slowly made Skeeter Hollow our own and there is still room for improvement. I hope to clear the woods out one day and like I mentioned earlier I want to start harvesting the pecans. We have only had one decent crop of pecans (2020, oddly enough) but at least a few trees drop them each year. I need to do more research to figure out what it takes to get the best pecans. Oh, BTW it is pronounced PEE-CAN. This is how I have always said it and how I will always say it, LOL! I know it will take some fertilizer and other types of treatments to get the best yield. There are also lots of different ways to harvest the pecans. Anything from picking them up by hand to baskets on sticks to huge vibrating tractor attachments that shake the pecans out of the trees followed by a huge contraption that picks them up (kinda like a golf ball picker-upper). Who knows, one day I might be able to get that machinery involved.


To be continued...



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That's pretty cool and love the "Skeeter" find.  I presume you still in the Sumter area?   Someday when this Covid stuff gets over and we can run around, we'll have to meet in the big city between us.   Good luck with the tree's.  We have some near us that are taken care of and they sure seem to produce a lot of nuts and the 2'sh acres or so look so nice with everything aligned and trimmed to perfection.


I had to laugh the first time I went to Sumter from Lexington and was told about the 1/2 way point and there is was nice city to stop and relax in.  When I got to Eastover and realized that if you sneezed, you'd miss it.  


It actually is a cute little town and the people have always been friendly when I have passed through there.  If this gives you an idea of the size of the place, this is from their town website



I really do think they shut the whole town down at 5:00 PM and there may be 750 people in the town.  It is actually a nice drive between Columbia and Sumter and there is always activity around the Base.



Yep I'm still here in Sumter! We definitely should meet up when the world isn't trying to kill us, LOL!

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