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setting up my PC with the Adam's backing plate...



I've had a PC for a while that I purchased for my boat. I have the PC "accessory kit" coming from Adam's.

I remember seeing a video somewhere, probably a Junkman video, about installing the Adam's backing plate on a PC...and something about a "washer" referenced also on these forums.

I can't seem to find that video anywhere, now that I need it. Anyone have a link to it or can describe what I need to do?


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7 answers to this question

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The Adam's team installs the backing plate for you, you are good to go :thumbsup:


I already have the PC that I bought from Amazon, so it has the PC supplied backing plate on it, which I need to change out to the Adam's plate.

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The little washer used to come in the plastic bag with the PC manual. It is not very big but a little thick - it is/was a spacer used so that you could get the wrench on the receiver for tightening/loosening the backing plate. I think the part number is 850218 (Spacer or washer).

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