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FNG checking in from LI, NY


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Hello, everyone!


Another newb joining the crowd with what might be the smallest skill set ever when it comes to caring for a car. The sum total of my experience is washing my mom and dad's vehicles as a kid. (Only one bucket with a sponge and whatever dish soap was near the sink) My own cars have, sadly, been subjected to drive-through abuse pretty exclusively for the past 30 years.


But I have a new car and I have seen the light. And it is a shiny light. Oooooohhhh, pretty............Sorry, ADD kicked in there for a sec.


Anyway, I'll be lurking and reading and asking questions and learning while I'm waiting for a clinic closer to home than Colorado (I'm so jealous:D).


See ya around.

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The clinics are sweet but you certainly pick up plenty of info here for you to get started. How about some pics of your new car? So, read up, watch the videos, get the products you are comfortable with and have at it. If you have any issues, search the boards. Can't find your answers that way, post them here. You will find plenty of help, great guys here. Have fun...let that ADD fly!!! You are not alone.:cheers:

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