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Just Received My Flex



I just received my Flex. Saturday or Sunday will be the first time I use the Flex. Does anyone have any tips or advice for the Flex? It would be greatly appreciated.


How much pressure should I apply?, etc.


I know some of the basics:


1. Use a little more polish than the PC

2. Stay away from edges

3. Move the Flex faster than the PC

4. The Flex is more powerful

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Here some pics from today. I used...


Car Shampoo








In and Out Spray




I might add BG and Americana tomorrow and wipe off the MSW residue if it reappears.


I also plan to clean the interior and VRT the tires.

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The pads you use also make a big difference.


My experiences are with LC pads and I prefer flat over CCS but did not notice much difference. I did try some variable contour which I did not like.

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Once you get rid of all the swirls, you can then switch back to the PC to maintain your paint. There is no need to cut off more clear coat than is necessary to maintain your finish. That's why I always tell folks that the Flex is a compliment to the PC, NOT a replacement.

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Once you get rid of all the swirls, you can then switch back to the PC to maintain your paint. There is no need to cut off more clear coat than is necessary to maintain your finish. That's why I always tell folks that the Flex is a compliment to the PC, NOT a replacement.


Thanks for the advice. During the correction I used both. I used the PC in the tight spots with the 4 inch pads. I will take your advice and I will maintain with the PC and only use the Flex for issues, etc. You always have great tips.

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I don't think you need more polish, but I think you use less Detail Spray to prime your pads and such. Less pressure for sure.


Tape off a section on the hood to try and hone your technique before moving on. When you have completed that section, you will then know how to and what to progress with from there.



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the pressure you need is just enough to slightly "crush" the pad. What you do is take the machine and place it pad side down then light start to push until you see the backing plate kinda sink in the pad a little. check out the video and you will see what I mean.

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