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Small Scratch Found and Removed from the GOAT!


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The GTO spent the weekend in Carlisle at the All GM Nationals where she somehow picked up a small scratch in the left quarter panel just below the rear of the quarter glass. Alright, probably from my obsessive wiping! I discovered it Monday evening after I got the chance to wash her:



The above picture shows the exact location and length of the offensive marks. I had a heck of a time getting the scratch to show in a picture, but finally got it, or at least part of it:



My weapons of choice:



The attack begins:





The scratches actually carried to under the edge you can see above. I very lightly worked the underside of the edge with the 4" pads then moved to the Orange Hex pad with SHR and got it completely off while getting a real nice Triceps workout and a good sweat going!

Probably 15 total passes with the 4" Green pad and SSR before I was completely satisfied. I followed up with the Orange pad and SHR then the White pad with FMP.

Just to make sure there were no nasty holograms hanging around I finished with the PC:



Since the area was relatively small and all three pads were already primed I figured I'd stick with the 4" pads. Set the PC to 4 and worked my way through from Green/SSR to Orange/SHR then White/FMP.

I finished with a coat of BG and topped her back off with two coats of Americana:




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Great job, and thanks for posting the details.


I have had a scratch that I didn't get up on earlier work and being new to the Adam's products I have been trying to take it slow. Seeing that you had 15 passes and it came out great I said what have I got to loose.


I just came back in after doing 10 passes with SSR and 3 passes with SHR and FMP got it all out. I am waiting for the MSS to dry now and will wipe down and take a couple of pictures.


But thanks again for posting how you took the scratch out.

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Peter, Bob? Can't remember who he was. We've got Eric coming to our Clubs All Pontiac Show in August with Adam's goodies!


Chris, Kyle, Anthony, and Jon: Thanks. Jon the color is one of those that you either Love it or Hate it, a bit "in your face" kinda' bright! I Love it.


Daniel, The 4" pads are great for tight areas and removing scratches! With the pad on your PC it's no more dangerous than the large pads, and on the drill you just gotta keep moving to not allow excessive heat to build by staying in one place.


Bill, Glad to help! Don't you just hate it when you get done with a full on correction to find a mark you somehow missed? Glad you went back to address it, you'll sleep better.


Bill M. Yea, the Metallic in this color really pops up close!

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  • 2 months later...

Patience, young Shawn> that's the beauty of the Adam's process and the system. Unless you're really mentally deficient, you can't hurt anything, only improve! Keep working and perfecting... and don't be afraid to ask for help, it's here for the asking and we all will be happy to do so.:pc:

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Patience, young Shawn> that's the beauty of the Adam's process and the system. Unless you're really mentally deficient, you can't hurt anything, only improve! Keep working and perfecting... and don't be afraid to ask for help, it's here for the asking and we all will be happy to do so.:pc:


Thanks man!

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