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Spilled Coffee on carpet



My daughter's friend spiledl a cup of coffee in the back of my wife's truck. The rubber floor mats caught most of it which she cleaned up but didn't realize some coffee got under the mats until a couple of days later. I used APC and a MF and got up a lot of the dried coffee. Any other tips I should be trying?

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7 answers to this question

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I used Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner and got out purple Dip-N-Stick out of beige carpeting in my house, my daughter neglected to tell me about. This is after she tried to clean it up with a damp towel. If CUC don't get it out, I don't think anything will. Good luck!:thumbsup:

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The Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner is magical. I got a 3 year old cat stain out of carpet in less than 2 minutes. Nothing else would work on it.


I can top Dan on stain....We had this black stain on the carpet for 5 years I know and nothing could touch it (Commercial Building with semi plush carpet). I sprayed the stain Adam's Carpet & Upholstery. Also, I used a brush and microfiber towel when working on the stain. It removed the stain in about 1 1/2 minutes and the stain has not even reappeared.

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