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SKUNK!!!!! Help Please



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I hate to say this but do you have a touchless car wash in your area, one with the undercarriage spray ?


I'd drive through that 4 or 5 times to get the guts out from under there. And shut off your climate control until you do that so the smell doesn't get in the vents. I've had it happen before, it goes away quicker than you think, it's not like when your dog gets sprayed and the smell comes back everytime they get wet for the next 2 years, trust me I know how that goes :help::help:

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Yep - there is a no touch car wash with the undercarriage sprays right around the corner. I went to bed last night and couldn't get to sleep thinking about how to handle the stink. That's a great idea. Thanks.

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Been there 2x. When my car got blasted I immediately went to a DIY wash and really sprayed down the undercarriage of the car. Really helped a lot, got it while it was fresh. And ditto on turning off the climate control and fans. Don't want that stench in the duct work!

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I always heard tomato juice will take the smell away.


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It really doesn't. If you ever get sprayed or if your dog gets sprayed this works.



  1. In the plastic container, combine 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid soap. Add lukewarm water if needed (for larger dogs). Mix ingredients well. The solution will fizz, as a chemical reaction is occurring. Use immediately - do not store.
  2. Do not soak your dog with water prior to bathing. Promptly begin cleansing the affected areas thoroughly, massaging the solution deep into your dog's coat. You may wish to use a sponge or washcloth. Avoid getting the solution in the eyes, ears or mouth.
  3. Allow the solution to remain on your dog for at least five minutes (longer if strong odor persists).
  4. Rinse your dog well with lukewarm water. Repeat steps 3-5 as necessary until odor is gone

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It really doesn't. If you ever get sprayed or if your dog gets sprayed this works.



  1. In the plastic container, combine 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid soap. Add lukewarm water if needed (for larger dogs). Mix ingredients well. The solution will fizz, as a chemical reaction is occurring. Use immediately - do not store.
  2. Do not soak your dog with water prior to bathing. Promptly begin cleansing the affected areas thoroughly, massaging the solution deep into your dog's coat. You may wish to use a sponge or washcloth. Avoid getting the solution in the eyes, ears or mouth.
  3. Allow the solution to remain on your dog for at least five minutes (longer if strong odor persists).
  4. Rinse your dog well with lukewarm water. Repeat steps 3-5 as necessary until odor is gone



Thanks Bill!!



Is it going to rain anytime soon? Can you drive to where it is raining and drive around for a few hours?



Edit: Ask Jeff to wash his car, it should rain for days!!

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Thanks Bill!!



Is it going to rain anytime soon? Can you drive to where it is raining and drive around for a few hours?


And spray a bunch of GWC under the car before taking that drive :2thumbs:

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My wife is Italian and has a lot of 'sauce' in the freezer...maybe I should try that LOL :lol:


If your wife is Italian send that sauce to us don't waste it on the skunk smell :drool::drool::drool::drool:

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I hit a skunk one night last year. Put Vette in garage. Stunk to high heaven. Parked Vette outside next day and left garage door open. Next day no smell on Vette or in garage. For a few days once in awhile noticed small trace in garare . Then none. :banana::banana:

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You can buy a product at Atwoods called "Skunk Off" or Skunk Away. Something like that. Anyway, it's in a white bottle and has a Skunk on the bottle. Every time my dog gets sprayed I use this and it works like no other. One wash and the smell is gone. You could spray that underneath before you take it to the No touch wash and it'll get the smell out. If you can't find it in the pet section, ask and they'll point you to it.

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