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Are they still useable..



Well I think I could have messed up some microfibers. I did wash them good with cold water and woollite, let that sit a little bit as well. My problem was that I threw in my utility towel and after reading on the website that that's a no-no well.. I now have gray microfibers! Are they still useable? Also I happened to have my great white in there too.. I'm upset at myself but I think it might just be a color thing, they should still work good right? :confused:

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Well I think I could have messed up some microfibers. I did wash them good with cold water and woollite, let that sit a little bit as well. My problem was that I threw in my utility towel and after reading on the website that that's a no-no well.. I now have gray microfibers! Are they still useable? Also I happened to have my great white in there too.. I'm upset at myself but I think it might just be a color thing, they should still work good right? :confused:


Were they the black Adams towels? Were they extremely dirty?


Assuming they were not extremely soiled, I would say if the color is the only difference, you should be fine. I would suggest washing the dbl soft seperate from all other mf towels. I also pretreat anything really dirty with APC, let soak overnight then wash.


I am very very careful how I deal with my double soft towels cuz they are the primary towels that touch my paint.

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Were they the black Adams towels? Were they extremely dirty?


Assuming they were not extremely soiled, I would say if the color is the only difference, you should be fine. I would suggest washing the dbl soft seperate from all other mf towels. I also pretreat anything really dirty with APC, let soak overnight then wash.


I am very very careful how I deal with my double soft towels cuz they are the primary towels that touch my paint.


I sprayed down the spot or 2 on the great white that needed it with APC 1st and then I put all of them minus the ultility in the washing machine to soak and then started it up 3 hours later. I had a double, 2 singles, a great white, and then I threw in the ultility right before turning it on since I forgot I had used it as well.


Thanks for the responses, guess I have unique towels in gray :lol:

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We never produced grey MF towels, maybe they will be worth some $$$$ one day!


(Don't sweat it, the dye from the utility towels won't affect the function of the other towels....bleach them if you want them white again...)


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We never produced grey MF towels, maybe they will be worth some $$$$ one day!


(Don't sweat it, the dye from the utility towels won't affect the function of the other towels....bleach them if you want them white again...)



I did this last night... My whites turn blue after time so I pour a little bleach in now and then... Works great!



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