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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Cadillac DeVille Detail


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Did our landlords car today for him since he found out we do detailing. his office neighbor is a detail place but i quoted him less and he sounded thrilled and said try this one and he will have more cars ready for me.


I did a 2 bucket wash, clay bar, full wipe down, and finished MSW. Thats all he wanted. Car is driven much but its been in good condition and detailed before, because there was really no swirls.


Heres some pics. I was happy how clean it came out. Unfortunately batteries died day one so only a few before and afters and the rest are just finals. ( i do not take credit for the carpet design, i saw that on here and thought it looked cool and tried it out. kinda show how nice and clean the mats are now with CUC)














wheels with APC cleaned and SVRT ( god i love both of those products for wheels/tires )



Interior Before












Thanks for Looking. Next will be a black Toyota Tunda, i believe. Im going to talk him into the works. MSW/BG/Americana. Then he'll drool! :lolsmack:

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Client has to be happy with the interior cleaning. Carpet and mats look great. Roof picture looked like you were taking pictures of ceiling, then realized that was a reflection. Can't wait for the Black Tundra detail.

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Thanks yal! Took about 5 hours or so. I like to take my sweet time and make sure its all done meticulously. My partner will ask if I'd help but i just tell him to go play xbox haha.


I love detailing a car for 10hrs, more then doing the wrenching we do for 10 hours, and hes visa versa.

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