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New Wheels & Tires + Adam's Shine = Good Weekend!


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Got around to mounting the new wheels & tires on my 03 Tahoe yesterday that have been sitting in the garage for a week or so. The Adam's detail is about a month old now, but I gave it a quick wash and took some photos even though it was overcast...










:)I've always like those wheels, they look sharp. The Tahoe looks good, now, if only I can convince my wife to get one.:)


Thanks guys.


Ah, if this truck could talk...the tales it could tell! It has hauled me, the wifey, and our four kids to many a vacation, weekend trip, ballgame, school activity, you name it, over the last 7 years. Lots of good times! Sun, rain, or snow...it never failed to go! It basically looks and rides as good as it did when I bought it, so I can't make myself part with it...


BTW, the Adam's MSS has made a believer out of me...super easy to apply, great shine, and really lasts! The In and Out Spray quickly takes care of those things that tend to give away the age of a vehicle, such as dull chalky wiper arms, roof racks and other black composite trim. I have the BG product and haven't used it yet, but I can't wait to try it.

Looks great minus the UK sticker on the back. My Tar Heels are going to beat your team down this season :D



You appear to be delusional...perhaps from sniffing too much Adam's MSS?

Please seek medical attention!


See you in December my pale blue, tar footed friend... :lolsmack:


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