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What's the worst...


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Here is probably two of the worst things I have ever done and don't recommend anyone doing this.


1) A rotary buffer at 3000 RPMs with a foam pad using rubbing compound

2) Steel wool on a mirror


I do not practice any of these habits anymore. Thank God

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I use a clean, but still abrasive, brush on the lower rockers if there is heavy contaminents caked on after blasting with APC. It does leave light scratches but if I'm polishing the car I get them out anyways.

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Well, I never get so anal that i tape off any areas before using a PC, and I admit that sometimes I don't get all the leftover polish gunk out from around badges and tail light crevices. I always say I'll go back and get them later, but then I get lazy or forget and let them go "until next time".

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