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Make a mental note..............



Always make sure car is ALL the way into the garage prior to closing door. :snap:



EDIT: This is after two layers of touchup paint. Gouge went into the plastic. Worst part is I was in the middle of cleaning her up for Saturday's Show in Charlotte.


I guess AJ will have a new wet sanding student. :willy:

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You are not alone LOL. My wife's last Mazda 6 and the truck I had prior to my TBSS I did like that all within a month! The truck actually broke my garage door's fall (I was pulling out and the darn garage door fell on the gate. OOOOOOOOOPS

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I put the pad down on the garage floor that the tire goes between the two raised sections for my wife after she put the garage door down on the back of her Saturn years ago. It has prevented any accidents since.

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Simple fix for that, just move the sensors up from the bottom to the height as your bumper :)




Sensors re-adjusted to the level of the most pretruding forward part of the vehicle's nose/bumper will assure that, that never happens again.


I've done this adjustment three different times over the last few years on vehicles I've kept garaged..... as I too found out the hard way many years ago back home.


All's well that ends well....

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