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I have recently started trying to polish up my camaro. I have only ever washed her with Adams products. She is 2yr old and I figured I would give her some TLC.


So I went outside and gave her a two bucket wash. Detailed sprayed her and dried off. Afterwards over the course of two nights clayed the whole car. Now she is as smooth as a babys a##.


The car is black and I know that is the worst color to get perfect. When I picked her up from the dealership I saw they had washed it and left swirls all over the car. There was nothing I could do about it at the time and I wasnt going to let them try to fix it. It would of only came out worse.


So to the main topic. Last night I tried to polish her up. Started with Hand SHR. Didnt touch the swirls that were in it. So I steped up to the PC with orange SHR. Did fix it alittle a little bit, but not what I hoped for. So my next step is the SSHR. Which I know with time and patience will get it where I want it. So now the question!! It is a nice cool 105 here on a good day. So the only time I can get to it is at night. I can dedicate 3 hours or so to her a night. What can I do to safely get this down over a course of several night? I.e not worry about dust and other thing running my hard work before I am done.


Also when drying her off when I saw the dreaded water spots. I clayed, Hand SHR, and 2 passes with PC SHR. And nothing!!! Didnt even touch it. There is only one small section with these spots. What can I do??


Attached is a pic of the big one. On the roof of the car by passenger side door. HELP!!

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3 answers to this question

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Yeah, it'd be nice to see an in focus picture of it. Do you have a camera with Macro? Something that also won't turn the paint blue in the picture.


SHR will take out pretty horrible swirls and water spots, so I have to believe that perhaps your technique needs tweaked slightly or your car is very bad off.


The hood on your car could EASILY take 3 hours to correct. Don't go into this thinking it's a wham bam looks glam ma'am job!



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