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buddies 2011 Subaru WRX STI and my truck


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my buddy is back from his tour in afgan and is going to training for the Green Beret. He just bought this monday so I figured I would start him off right on how to care for the car with Adams Polishes. I was so excited and this is his first new car(had a used jeep wrangler before), so he and I tackled his car and my truck.


all we did was a simple wash on both since he had wax from the dealer and mine was waxed with americana the beginning of august. so i showed him all the products i had and how to use them, but what we did use is this:


-APC & GWC on the wheels/tires/fenders with the fender brush, boars hair brush, and lug nut brush with APC on the tailpipe tips.


-WW on the front end to remove bugs with a walmart bug scrubber


-sprayed the truck down and used Car Shampoo with the big and small mitts using a bucket and grit guard, then rinsed


-DS with waffle towels to take off the remaining water spots and for it to gleam


-Glass Cleaner on the windows


-SVRT on the tires



his car is wicked fast and handles like a dream, but being his first standard shifting vehicle, he has some work to do haha. on to the pictures, his grey metallic paint really pops!!!:










and my hunk of junk haha:







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i didnt know what section to put this in because it has the car and my truck:lol: figured since it was more about the car id put it here.


i agree on the spoiler and such, but this car is so much better that the previous model with the accessories and design. its not the full blown limited they offer, which has the NAV, fog lights, 18 inch BBS wheels, and sunroof, but its still really nice. id probably never own one myself because id prefer a V8, but its a fun little car!

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