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Detailing summer days R Numbered


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:mad: Not THAT big a deal but I go under the knife next Tuesday to correct a painful trigger finger (the important bird finger) AND I go Friday to see the doc about physical therapy on some bad tennis elbow pain in the other arm. Hopefully I can be back to detailing before the snow flies here in Michigan as I have not done my pre-winter full detail yet.:willy:


If you can see it in your hearts to send a little prayer to the master detailer in the sky on my behalf, I would really appreciate it. I don't think it will require a novena, but a couple hail mary's couldn't hurt the effort.:)

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Thanks all for the kind thoughts and prayers. I've had two trigger thumb releases before and all went well, so it should not be any big deal this time. My tennis elbow is an ongoing ailment, tendonitis and this time it's pretty bad. I can't even lift the PC with my left arm and I have no grip without pain. WAAAAAAH WAAAAH! I know. I was hoping that Junkman would chime in with a marine toughen up type post. You know, like "detailin aint for sissies" or something along those lines. Who knows, he might be lurking, waiting for a good opportunity to chime in with his words of wisdom.:xfingers: Anyone know what he's up to lately? I haven't seen him much on the forum these days. :(


Once again, thanks everyone! You are the best, the crem de la crem of America.

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I'll pray for you if you pray for the rain to stop here :help::help::help:

What? You think that is hasn't been raining here too? Keep it your way buddy.smiley_weatherrain.gif




I hope that your trigger finger release goes fine. BTW...what the heck is a release? How do you get trigger finger?


I will add you to my prayer list which keeps growing. Good luck my friend.:thumbsup:

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