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Just got my first Adam's shipment!


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Hi. My name is Zach, and I am 22 from Southwest Missouri. I have a Torrid Red 2005 GTO. I'm a auto detailer for a small company there. Decided to break down and grab my own buffer since the shop has plenty..and I dont. Grabbed a PC with one pad of each color and the Machine Super Sealant. Quick question on that, would you recommend running several layers of the sealant over it letting it cure each time, or should I run a couple other brand glaze/waxes over it once I am finished? I guess it would depend on the look I am going for...


In any case, I've been lurking these forums for a couple days and it's information heaven. Definitely going to have to get my employer to test out some Adam's products. Thanks guys! :glasses:

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Welcome aboard Zach! One coat of MSS has always been good for me. Not that you couldn't do another coat. But it should cure for 12 hours or so before the next step in your detail. So the time constraint is something to consider. Stick with the Adams products and you will wow them with the results. I've been detailing (not professionally) for 40 years and the Adams products used as recommended gives the best results I've ever seen.

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Or you could do a coat of Brilliant Glaze on the bare (corrected) paint, then a thin coat or 2 of Americana Carnauba Paste Wax. It is a stunning combination as well. This looks very wet - it's a really popular combo as well. Or you can even top the cured MSS with this combo.

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