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Quick Paint overspray Help!



Our neighbor was a little dumb yesterday and spray painted a bunch of stuff he welded. well it was windy here yesterday and it seem the wind took all the overspray outside, onto our neighbors 2 cars.


the ones exterior is pretty bad. nothing really visual, but by feeling the paint like testing for clay, its a pretty sticky/gritty surface. i tested the claybar on his window yesterday and it cleaned it off pretty good.


my question is, should i do a 2 bucket wash before hand, or just go right to DS and a clay bar to the car? just want to make sure, didnt want wash it and end up smearing the overspray into the clear more.



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In my opinion if the car is dirty other than the overspray I'd wash it first. You don't wanna rub on a dirty car and risk introducing scratches and swirls. Don't ask me how I learned this one... :) You might also find that washing may remove some of the contaminates too.


Then I'd follow up with DS and the claybar.

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Did a two bucket and claybar after and good as new. Wash got a good amount of the dusty overspray off. It wasn't as bad as it seemed like. But the other ladies mercedez got the interior sprayed as well. I offerd to use good ole adams to fix it but she already took it to the dealer

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