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Boy Scouts rant


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So we signed my son up for Boy Scouts. It's a great thing for him since he likes for things to be structured. He's really looking forward to earning all the badges.


Now for the rant. We had to go buy him a uniform shirt, hat, and belt. No big deal. It says on the shirt and hat "Boy Scouts of America". if you look at the tag inside, the shirt says "Made in Bangledesh", the hat "Made in China". ARE YOU KIDDING ME!:explode: Surely they could find a "MADE IN USA" uniform. I'm sure if I inquired they would say the other stuff is cheaper.


End rant.

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The Boy Scouts actually started out in Britain and then moved to the USA. They're now world wide, so the fact that their shirts,etc are made elsewhere doesn't surprise me too much. Matter of fact, if you look at their whole catalog (tents, canteens, etc) there is very little made here.

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