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Bottle Discoloration



Has anyone ever seen this before? The bottle on the right was filled with Detail Spray, never opened and the inside of the bottle turned color. I emptied the DS into the bottle on the left. The product appears to be OK but it is a strange phenomenon! Look at me....using a BIG word!!!!

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Guest Gone & Forgotten

Sing along : Phenomenon-do-doooo-do-doodoo.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wM89T74MPnE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Exposure to high heat and direct sunlight for any period of time will also exaggerate the effect. How was the bottle stored??
In the garage during the summer and indoors in the winter...it is older also. I was just curious because it was the only bottle to do it. Thank you all for the "good reasoning"!
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Guest Gone & Forgotten

i've never had DS discolor. I've only had issues with Car Shampoo separating and the DS and APC sprayer bottles cracking on the bottom and leaking out (quickly) due to heat.


I leave the occasional bottle out in the garage by accident. Come back a day/two later after some 90+ heat and "hmmm... why the empty bottle... why's it smell like DS and APC in here?"... "hey, i gotta go pretend to water my fake plants now".

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