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can i skip anything or should i do it by the book....



i have a bottle of ...


swirl and haze remover


fine machine polish


super sealant


buttery wax


and all the pads for my PC. i was wondering if on a car that isn't all that bad if i can skip the super sealant or any of these first 3 and go to the wax? i particularly want to do the black stripes on my z28 muscle car and was just wondering if i should use all of them. do i need to wait to put the wax on for a few days? i assume i need to use the same black pad for the wax but do i need to wash it out first from the supersealant or just go over it with the pad before i wash it.


just trying to do it right...... any sense in using something like americana, which i don't have, after i use the buttery wax or should i just layer more coats of the BW on? i assume that once i'm to the wax step i don't need to start over unless i get some swirls in it. so after i get the slight scratches out do i just keep waxing it or where do i go back to?


thanks for the help. i'm kind of a newbie in trying to do it really really really right...:)



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3 answers to this question

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is mss = machine super sealant?


so i'm better off with machine super sealant than the butery wax? how about americana wax? will that hold up better? which one will look the best if i'm interested in the ultimte in appearance?


i did my trunk lid with s&hr, fine machine polish, and machine super sealant tonight and noticed i still have a few minor imperfections and tiny marks in the black stripes. the car is a 70 hugger orange z28 with black stripes. it's actually very very nice and i'm just trying to take out the few slight swirls in the black. if they're still there a little do you think maybe i went too fast and tried to get done too quick or maybe didn't use enough of the product or what? i sprayed the pad with one spray of detailer and then put four little dabs of the product on the pad for each step. dabbed it all over the trunk lid and then spread it with the PC on 2. after it was spread all over the surface i turned it up to about the highest speed and went back and forth and then up and down alternately. if it looked like i didn't have enough product i usually just hit the pad with another spray of detailer instead of using more product. when it looks like its all gone i go to the next pad and step. i'm pretty sure that's the correct procedure? i'm pretty sure it is. i'm not sure i'm not either moving the machine too fast over the surface or maybe i shouldn't be trying to do the entire trunk at the same time? but not that i've seen the results i think i still have some slight marks in the black. so should i start al over with the three steps or just use one.


i appreciate the help. and yes i did watch the videos and i definitely clarbarred first.... i'm just trying to do a really good job and also trying to learn to be a ''detail and PC buffer guru...'' and impress all my gearhead friends with my new found abilities and results. i'm wondering if maybe i'm trying to get the results i want too quick. i see other peoples results on really bad paint and they look fabulous where mine just looks really good. i admit i'm going for perfection. i'm still trying to figure out how to post pictures and when i do i'll show you the car. it's very nice. just had it painted a couple of years ago and mostly it's good if not perfect. if someone could tell me how to post pics from the iphoto on my macbook i'd appreciate.i'd appreciate it

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is mss = machine super sealant?


so i'm better off with machine super sealant than the butery wax? how about americana wax? will that hold up better? which one will look the best if i'm interested in the ultimte in appearance?


Les, correct M S S is Machine Super Sealant. For a daily driver MSS gives the best protection. For more of a garage queen, Americana or Buttery Wax is fine. If possible, apply Brilliant Glaze then BW or Americana.


if they're still there a little do you think maybe i went too fast and tried to get done too quick or maybe didn't use enough of the product or what? i sprayed the pad with one spray of detailer and then put four little dabs of the product on the pad for each step. dabbed it all over the trunk lid and then spread it with the PC on 2. after it was spread all over the surface i turned it up to about the highest speed and went back and forth and then up and down alternately. if it looked like i didn't have enough product i usually just hit the pad with another spray of detailer instead of using more product. when it looks like its all gone i go to the next pad and step. i'm pretty sure that's the correct procedure? i'm pretty sure it is.


I can't speak to your speed or pressure (watch Junkman's video with the music to set your tempo). The amount of product sounds ok.




i'm not sure i'm not either moving the machine too fast over the surface or maybe i shouldn't be trying to do the entire trunk at the same time?


This sounds too large an area. A 2 ft. x 2 ft. area is the max size to work.

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