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Checking in from Iowa


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Thanks everyone!


Jonathan, I'm in central Iowa, Waukee. How about you?


I haven't done any big corrections yet this year, here are a few shots of my friend's Camaro from last summer.









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we almost haev enough people for an Iowa clinic now LOL!


Except one of them is in TN now... :(


I don't know about you, but I've done this enough now that I don't think I need a clinic. lol :D

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Except one of them is in TN now... :(


I don't know about you, but I've done this enough now that I don't think I need a clinic. lol :D




Couldn't be helped...I was only 5....I didn't wanna do a Joe Dirt..:lol:

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Except one of them is in TN now... :(


I don't know about you, but I've done this enough now that I don't think I need a clinic. lol :D

Lol I just need a member with a Flex to show me it is worth it! I think there is like 5 members total from Iowa now.

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It would end up costing me more money if I came to see it in action :( I would want to buy one that day lol


Guarantee it! Anyone that doesn't have a Flex is missing out IMO.


Makes the job so much faster... :thumbsup:

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You can come up to my towns car cruise and car show and show me your flex then :jester: lol I know it would make my corrections faster I should just bite the bullet like I did with the PC


You won't regret it! :2thumbs:

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