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Hello from Toronto, Canada!


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Hey all - My name is Derek and I live in Toronto, Canada


Just bought a 2004 Mustang GT last saturday and I'm kinda in love with it!


I came across Adam's polishes randomly while doing some research a few months ago. Since then I've watched all the videos and can't wait to make my first purchases. The Mustang's paint is in good condition but man, there are a ton of swirls. I'm looking to be picking up the ultimate PC kit in the next few weeks!


Looking at all your cars and how amazing they look, I'm sold. I think I got the bug and i haven't even made an order yet!



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Welcome to world of " Adams Polishes " Derek .


There are a few of us regulars here from your GTA. I'm about an 1 1/2 west of you. Black will keep you very busy and I would suggest you keep poring over the forum as the tips will help you alot.

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