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How to Clen Clear bra (3M) and Vinyl?



I have a white car with the 3m protection on the front of my car, i want to prolong its life as long as possible by not having it turn yellow.


My roof is also Vinyl wrapped in Black. Not sure how to clean this.. should i treat it like the rest of my car? seeing as there is no clear coat to it..


How do you go about cleaning this?

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6 answers to this question

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Hey Albert, this has been discussed at length in the past. Check out this link for several threads on the subject.


bra - Adam's Polishes Forums - Threads Tagged with bra


Honestly, you won't keep it from ever yellowing, but hitting it with Adams FMP, and the Adams wax of your choice will sure keep it from happening for a longer period.


I recommend AQS for the whole car as a base and then you can top from there. AQS MUST be applied to clean/bare paint.



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Clear film seems to show yellow much faster on white cars than any other color. My former co worker has a pearl white Nissan Altima and the film looked yellow not long after it was installed. You are doing the right thing by protecting it to prolong the yellowing.

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