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Need help from you all up north


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My wife's sister and her husband, from Wisconsin, were here last week for the passing of my mother in law. The day they were to leave he came over to vacuum out the inside of their 03 Caravan (60k miles) after we finished he moved out of the garage and went to set the parking brake and it wouldn't catch. It would still keep the van from moving as long as you held pressure on it. It just wouldn't catch.


Later when he was backing up he noticed more noise coming from the brakes. He came back to my house, we jacked it up pulled the tire off and then spent the next 30 minutes trying to get the drum off. I fully appreciate living in the south where we don't have to salt the roads. After removing the drum we used a wire brush to clean up the inside a little. Then I had to adjust the brakes a little to get the drum back on. After all that his parking brake now works as it should.


Sorry for the long story. Now for the question.

What should he be doing on a regular basis for his brakes? It can't be good with all that buildup in there.



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Bring his van in for regular maintenance and it won't happen!


He's taking it in on Monday. I recommended he get all the springs and such replaced. might even want to replace the wheel cylinders. When it comes to brakes you can't be too cautious.


Here in the south I'd just take the drum off and blow it out and put the drum back on. I didn't know if there would be something he could do himself to help prevent all the rust.



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