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Red light cameras


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We have red light cameras here in Colorado. But the fine is only $75 not to bad.


Here's a clip from top gear on how to beat the camera


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph-qv4gYAE8&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Top Gear - Richard Hammond vs the speed camera round 3 - BBC - YouTube[/ame]

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Heehee! But what happens if there is a speed trap right after that?!?!


I am trying to figure out what I would say to my wife as I drive her Vette through the red light at 170+MPH... But Honey I am trying to save money by not getting a traffic ticket from the red light camera... I think I would be in the dog house!

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Heehee! But what happens if there is a speed trap right after that?!?!


I am trying to figure out what I would say to my wife as I drive her Vette through the red light at 170+MPH... But Honey I am trying to save money by not getting a traffic ticket from the red light camera... I think I would be in the dog house!


and prison.



They don't use them around here, to my knowledge anyway. Never heard anyone say anything about them.

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My wife got popped by one recently here in Colorado. She paid the fine as whe CLEARLY ran the light. She made a rolling right-hand turn before the left-turn light went green and she had to wait on opposing traffic. I may have gotten one on Friday at the same intersection.

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There's a lot of debate on the validity of red light cameras.

I believe Los Angeles actually removed their cameras and I think San Diego is next.

The reason, you can fight them with no problems. There's nobody in court that can represent the camera, as there would be if you got a speeding ticket from a cop.

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Just got a letter yesterday voiding my speeding ticket 6 months ago. I was good for 6 months and paid $50 more and they take it off if no more violations. :)


My next door neighbor is a state cop and he just got a new Dodge Charger. I am thinking it would be safer (ticket wise) if I chased him.

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thank god theres none here in michigan, im not looking to pay 450 bucks for rolling a light ticket. if they did start using them in michigan youd see me driving around with a mask all the time :D haha.


Reminds me of the top gear episode with jeremy driving the GT-R in Japan and how he uses the mask to cover up his face at speed cameras haha. check it out if you havent seen it before, so funny.

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In Colorado, they record the video, where it is put into a cue. Then an actually, real police officer reviews the footage and determines if a law has been broken. Then a ticket is issued.


I don't agree with the method, but at least it is reviewed by a cop.

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The cameras in Orlando are reviewed in Arizona, then a ticket is issued. There was a segment on the news last week where a man was stopped in the left turn lane and a car in the thru lane ran the light, but they sent him the ticket! The figures showed only about 1/2 the offenders were sent a ticket.

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I got one last year in Milton, FL. I got the citation in the mail and viewed the video online. I certainly ran the light so I mailed the $158 check to the company that installed the camera to an address in Ohio. If you choose to fight the citation, you can go to court. If you lose in court it will cost you the $158 plus the court fees.

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In Colorado, they record the video, where it is put into a cue. Then an actually, real police officer reviews the footage and determines if a law has been broken. Then a ticket is issued.


I don't agree with the method, but at least it is reviewed by a cop.

I believe it's the same way where I live.

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They got them up around my office here in Stamford, CT. Luckily I take the train to work.


Can I get busted for walking across the street on a red light? :lol:


You can get busted by a car or truck. :willy:

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