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number of passes?




how many passes on average do you guys do of each polish? i did one from severe all the way to fine and it helped. i still have some swirls here and there. but i was using my neighbors garage, so i was kinda strapped for time and didn't want to be a pain. it looks great to me. it took the edges off some of my real noticeable scratches so they're less noticeable to the other people. but you know if it's yours it's like looking at i with a magnifying glass...

8 answers to this question

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As many as it takes to make the car look as good as you want it to!


In the beginning I did one pass of each polish, but then I learned about doing a 2'x2' test area. Once you get that area 'dialed in' you will know what the rest of the car needs. Sometimes I have taped off the hood into 6-8 sections to try different polish/pad/pass combinations.

And remember, always finish down to FMP to see the true results.


Every detailing experience will be different when it comes to this. The best way to go about figuring out what to do, is marking off a 2'x2' on the hood, figuring out the process, and using that on the whole car.




As it has been said, it depends on the condition of the paint at the start. When I first did mine, I did a pass of SHR and FMP, it didn't correct everything but I was satisfied since winter was coming up and it was my first time. This spring I did a pass of FMP and it was nearly flawless. Flawless may be an overstatement, but as my daily driver, it is up to par with my standards.


Chris, it's metallic silver. one pass of each looked pretty good for me. but im thinking about doing another detail in a month or so to try and reduce somethings i still find noticeable, also to improve my technique.

Chris, it's metallic silver. one pass of each looked pretty good for me. but im thinking about doing another detail in a month or so to try and reduce somethings i still find noticeable, also to improve my technique.

Scott, Machine polishing is like anything else, practice make perfect!:pc:


The next detail will help you to get the ones that were 'left behind' out of the finish, PLUS, you will get to practice more. :D And, each time now it won't be as bad as that first time.


Silver sometimes is difficult in that you really have to look to see the swirls as you work. Good Halogen lighting on the panel you are working area is your friend.


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