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115hr Lambo Detail


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someone with a rotary who doesnt know what they are doing.


guessing the dealer got the car in and had their detailer clean it up for sale and looks like he killed it.


dealership better have covered that bill.


sell a 200k$ car that looks like ****. I'd be pissed or not even have bought it until they had it fixed.


Nicely done. 115 hours is a serious commitment, but it shows up in the end product for sure... the entire job was actually done in the back area of our dealers in irvine (Detailing.com)


Done a few demos in that same spot.


I can't believe a Lambo dealership would allow for that car to leave the dealership in that condition. There had to be a huge discount involved.


While in the middle of those before picture I had to keep reminding myself I was looking at a Lambo, let alone a newer one too!


Props to those guys for taking on that challenge!


Wow!!! That is unbelievable. I hope the owner sent some pics to dealership to show them how it SHOULD look!

I can't believe a Lambo dealership would allow for that car to leave the dealership in that condition. ... While in the middle of those before picture I had to keep reminding myself I was looking at a Lambo, let alone a newer one too!



Seriously... how can a car get THAT bad so fast? Someone ought to be put in jail for assault!

What's in the finish behind the rear tire in this image? Creepy old ghost man? Yikes!



I saw that too. I think it's the ghost of swirls waiting to be exorcised from the finish.


Matt - that reflection looks like the "Man from Planet X"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClHL5yHrkPY]*THE MAN FROM PLANET X* (1951 TRAILER) - YouTube[/ame]


ooh, spooky ;)


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