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Hows this line-up sound for a 1st timer??




Purchased the pc machine polisher at a show. Have the swirl haze and revive polish that I have been using by hand for some time now. Picked up some buttery wax and a orange pad and gray/black pad with the pc.


My o2 vette has some water spots I've had trouble removing from the trunk area. Thought I'd try this...


1st - swirl haze - orange pad

2nd - revive polish - gray pad

3rd - buttery wax - gray pad


Does this line-up sound ok? Read on here where it's ok to use the Revive with the pc. What about cleaning the pads. How often and best way? As you can see I was going to use the same pad for the polish and wax if thats ok.

I did read about the white vinegar in the sticky which I can try before hand. Claying has made no difference.

8 answers to this question

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I would first try the Revive Polish first and see if that takes it off. If that isn't aggressive enough, then move to Fine Machine Polish. If that isn't aggressive enough then move to Swirl and Haze Remover. If that doesn't remove it then move to the Severe Swirl and Haze Remover.


Of course, once you have stepped UP through the products to find the right solution for you, be sure to step DOWN through the products to make the finish its best. FMP should always be the LAST step (not SHR or SSHR) before wax/sealant.




Thank you for the reply. I didn't purchase any Fine machine polish At this time have only the ones I listed. I've done my cars 'by hand' with the swirl haze and revive many times but never by machine.




You probably should get the white pad and a bottle of FMP, as you have a gap in your polishing method. Often times that white pad and FMP is just enough to clean up the finish without going overboard with the SHR. And, if you are polishing the finish by machine with SHR, you always follow that with FMP/white pad to clean up any artifacts left behind from the SHR/Orange pad. You will come to love what that FMP does to the finish - that's when you really make the finish gleam.


I would look into a more durable LSP and use Buttery Wax as a topper. Although I haven't used it before, it seems like it would be more beneficial to lay down a layer of QS, MSW/S, Americana, etc before applying Buttery Wax.


From what I understand the Revive polish is basically a masking polish...the best way to do it is to actually FIX the paint first. I would recommend watching The Junkmans videos (junkman2008 on the forum) as well as the videos put up by Adams for using each polish with the PC. I am new to detailing and so far I have learned you need to have a good technique in place to do a good job in your paint correction.


Others have mentioned there are steps to correct the paint. Severe Swirl and Haze Remover has the most cut and is used with the green pad, next is Swirl and Haze remover orange pad, and finally Fine Machine Polish with the white pad. If you start with the swirl and haze remover you need to finish with the fine machine polish (to repair damage caused by the swirl remover). If you start with the severe Swirl and Haze Remover, it should be followed by the Swirl and Haze remover then the Fine Machine Polish. The progression of polish and pads is what gives you the best results. After using all those products to correct the paint...you can follow with a sealant or a wax (black pad).


Watch the videos and learn how to use the PC....your results will be greatly improved as a result. :thumbsup:


I have an 02 Vette as well. Trust me, those water spots are about impossible to get out without wet sanding. The most you can try would be the severe swirl and haze remover, but I haven't had any luck with anything taking those spots out. You're probably just going to have to live with it. Sorry.


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