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No, I'm not dead!


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Sorry for not being around much, the last six months!


Back in Novemeber strarted getting some worlld class gas and indegestion. Went to to base doc, ran some xrays,bloodword, nada. Did a barium swallow and endocscope, nada. Time for the big guns! Did a CAT scan and something vaguley showed up. This lead right to a MRI where a "mass" was found on my pancreas.


Two weeks later I am under the knife and a big chuck of the pancreas is removedl Now to wait 2 weeks for the biobsy results. Surgen looks me in the eye and tells me "12 months". This is the kinda news that casues the brain to stop working! Never hear another thing he said, went home and started making plans. Next day I get an appoinment with an oconolgist. See her a week later and informs me I an cancer free. The two of them read the same report and came up with somewhat differing prognosis! To say the least...LOL


Anywho, that is where I sit at the moment, Haven;t been to work in 2 months and going a tad stir crazym but they won`t letme back until the chemo the oncologist has scdheduled under the safe then soryy theory.



Needless to say the poor ol Coupe has not recueved her spring touch ups!




Anywho, thought I would drop a line,


Cheers all,


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I hope everything turns out ok, Jim. I'd noticed you hadn't been on but I just figured you'd been out to sea. Never imagined it would've been something like this. Good luck getting better. :xfingers:

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Wow Jim, that's scary! With all that going on a clean and shiny car seems trivial, but maybe therapeutic? Hoping for a very positive outcome for one of the 'defenders'.

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Guest Gone & Forgotten

Sorry to hear of your situation, Jim. Happy to see you back here, just sucks that your return brings negative news. As Bruce said, keep us updated. Keep that head up.

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Hey Nord, I honestly thought you were out sailing! lol. Sad and glad to hear your news. Don't be a stranger!



Sent from the past using special algorithms and data nodes!

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Wow man, Jim, that's crazy. Talk about both ends of the spectrum on the diagnosis. Let's hope that the second doctor is correct, and the first gets fired. Good to have you back on the forum, and don't worry about cleaning your cars right now, unless it helps you out stress wise.


Here's wishing you the best brother :). Looking forward to seeing you on these forums for the next 50 years or so......haha.

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wow... i guess its a good thing the surgeon isn't practicing oncology! i would punch him square in the face if he told me i had a year to live, then a real oncologist told me there's nothing to be worried about!

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