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PC VS FLEX quick question



It coming time to correct the fine swirls in my car, I did the first major correction on it so all I have is fine swirls from getting work done under the hood and from washing over time. Does the flex take out small swirls faster than the pc? I know that the flex makes quick work of heavy abuse vs the pc put since all I will need is mostly the white pad would it be worth it to get a flex too?

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It coming time to correct the fine swirls in my car, I did the first major correction on it so all I have is fine swirls from getting work done under the hood and from washing over time. Does the flex take out small swirls faster than the pc? I know that the flex makes quick work of heavy abuse vs the pc put since all I will need is mostly the white pad would it be worth it to get a flex too?


I have both. Yes the flex is better all around but a bit more difficult to use. I just posted a video of my new experience with the FLEX in another thread.


I think most will agree the FLEX is the best and safest DA ever made!!

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flex is a heck of a lot faster.


get a flex!


i just wanted to make sure the flex makes a lot faster work of fine swirls then the pc. Since I plan to wash my car the right way I don't see myself having to go to crazy with the green pad

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What is it that makes it that much faster?




The forced rotation, dual action of the Flex is something the PC doesn't have. The PC is purely a DA machine, whereas the Flex 3401VRG has the forced rotation, making your life easier, less vibrated, and the product flash quicker and more efficient and effectively. You don't have to use as much pressure with the Flex, nor do you have to move as slowly over the panel.



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