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Need some help



So I just did a full paint correction on my jeep srt8 yesterday and took 8 hours and today it rained for 20min, of course the 20% chance of isolated thunderstorms hits my car, and now it's sunny. Will it be ok just to hit it with some detail spray? I haven't driven or moved the car since the correction,and it's still sitting there all shiny as if I just detailed it . It's never the same once it's washed once after a 8h our detail...lol

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The rain itself carries contaminants from the air and drops them on your paint.  You might be able to get away with waterless wash but I would suggest a full two bucket wash so that you don't ruin what you gained with your 8 hour detail.  Just my two cents.  

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When you say you just corrected it, did you seal and wax it afterwards or is the paint bare?  If it's bare I would wash it again.  I'd think you could get away with Waterless Wash if there's at least wax on the paint.


The rain up here gives me some pretty sick water spots.  I had the car out of the garage for one day yesterday and it rained a little, water spots all over it.

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When you say you just corrected it, did you seal and wax it afterwards or is the paint bare?  If it's bare I would wash it again.  I'd think you could get away with Waterless Wash if there's at least wax on the paint.


The rain up here gives me some pretty sick water spots.  I had the car out of the garage for one day yesterday and it rained a little, water spots all over it.

It's all sealed up, just it's so perfect, just don't want to wash it lol

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