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Optima Steamer



Hi Everyone,


         My names John, I'm from Hamilton, Ontario Canada. I am starting up a detailing company from the ground up with a friend and we have decided to go the "Dry Vapor Steam" route. For those of you who are not believers or haven't heard of this technology before, check out Optima Steamers on YouTube.


Now I've been detailing cars for 10 Years and after seeing this machine in action on a $2 Million dollar Bugatti and a Maybach 62 S in Toronto, Ontario I'm convinced you do not need convention water wasting methods.


However that's my own personal business plan/pitch is to be eco friendly! Now to the questions!!


1. If I am going eco friendly, How eco friendly are your products? one big issue in Ontario is getting a proper area with a catch basin for waste water/chemicals etc. With the steamer, we do not need that BUT unfortunately if the there is a lot of chemical run off, we might be in the same boat! 


2. Is it safe? has it been done? has it been heard of? to use and take off your products with Steam? ... The tire dressing I understand those products are just fine by themselves. But the rim cleaner etc!


Any information would help!


Thanks, John

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