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Detailing, Waxing and Buffing With Racing Stripes



Hey guys,


I have a 2012 Corvette Centennial Edition and it has to black racing stripes from front to back.


Is there any special precaution I should take when detailing on or around the stripes? How about machine polishing and waxing? 




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Based on your question, I assume your stripes are vinyl.  You can tape the edges and/or apply SVRT to the entire stripe.  Tape will protect the edges, while SVRT protects the entire surface.  (If you use tape, you need to apply it BEFORE the SVRT or it won't stick.)  Either way, I recommend polishing AROUND the stripes which I clean/treat by hand.


For "final treatment" of the stripes, I think the answer depends on whether yours are matte or gloss. Gloss ones can be waxed, but matte ones shouldn't.  If the former, I don't see any reason you couldn't (carefully) apply the wax with a machine.  If the latter, I'd stick with hand application of SVRT.  There's a thread on Caring for Factory Vinyl Stripes that includes a great video by Dylan.

Edited by Norton
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