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I just started detailing my Camaro for a show tomorrow and masked off the Hines Heat Extractor vents and now they appear to be stained. I masked them with 3M light painters tape and the wash was a water rinse followed by wash with Adams car wash soap. Any ideas how to get ride of the stains?


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is the plastic textured or smooth?  is that residue / glue from tape or just discolored?


if its smooth with no residue try some VRT


if its residue hit it with APC and then some VRT.


if its textured the same applies but if there is residue i would use a tooth brush to scrub the plastic to remove the residue from the texture.


or is it just some soap from the wash that leaked under the tape, in which case water on a rag will probably remove it.

Edited by stirthepot
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I just started detailing my Camaro for a show tomorrow and masked off the Hines Heat Extractor vents and now they appear to be stained. I masked them with 3M light painters tape and the wash was a water rinse followed by wash with Adams car wash soap. Any ideas how to get ride of the stains?



I think you'll find Dylan's advice on this topic very helpful.  (Pay special attention to "IF MY TAPE STAINS MY CAR HOW DO I FIX IT?" section.)

Edited by Norton
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