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16 oz sprayer bottles not on site??



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Bad idea. Trunks get hot during summer, and cold during winter. Your products will go bad for sure if you keep them in your car.


Or you can just "cycle" the products once in a while.  Don't leave them in there and forget about them for a year or so.  Use them.


Lots of us do this and think it's a good idea.  Sometimes it's good to have bottles of Waterless Wash, Glass Cleaner, Detail Spray and All Purpose Cleaner with you just in case.  Get those bird and bug bombs off NOW!   The small bag is PERFECT for this and still leaves room for a few towels.

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Or you can just "cycle" the products once in a while. Don't leave them in there and forget about them for a year or so. Use them.


Lots of us do this and think it's a good idea. Sometimes it's good to have bottles of Waterless Wash, Glass Cleaner, Detail Spray and All Purpose Cleaner with you just in case. Get those bird and bug bombs off NOW! The small bag is PERFECT for this and still leaves room for a few towels.

Exactly what I was thinking. Don't plan on leaving them in the truck or bed tool box all the time, just something to store a few products in for easy access and quick touch ups

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