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Cleaning Rubber Floor Mats



I'm detailing my moms 2012 Ford Focus hatchback and I've got the entire car done save for the carpets. Her car has a set of rubber winter weather floor mats in it though, and I want to clean them as well as the carpets. What is the best way to go about getting them looking right and new but not slippery or greasy. Wouldn't want my mom getting any of that product on the brake pedal and making it slippery which could cause an accident. Any advice, guys?

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I'm detailing my moms 2012 Ford Focus hatchback and I've got the entire car done save for the carpets. Her car has a set of rubber winter weather floor mats in it though, and I want to clean them as well as the carpets. What is the best way to go about getting them looking right and new but not slippery or greasy. Wouldn't want my mom getting any of that product on the brake pedal and making it slippery which could cause an accident. Any advice, guys?


I also have all-weather mats in the Stang. I shake them off to get the excess off, spray then with APC and scrub with the fender brush, and then let them air dry. I haven't tried dressing them though, but I would think that lightly misting them with TID and wiping with a MF would get you a little shine without the slippery mess. Unless it's raining the day you put it on and she tries to drive. I know cleaning with APC works, but I would suggest doing a test with the TID if you go that route before applying it to all of the mats.

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