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Ever wonder How Dread Locked Wash Pads Look?



This pad is over a year old, and has seen nothing but 2BM Washes. 


I've been incredibly lazy with the maintenance. This pad has seen my HE washer numerous times, and occasionally entered the dryer. 


Brushing it out helps, but this is beyond repair. A warning to everyone showing how important it is to follow the proper care instructions for their pads. 




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Is there a problem with them getting 'dreadlocked'? It's still soft, and still passes the CD test (just tried it). It's not quite as pretty, but iI can't see why it would damage your vehicle's finish...

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Is there a problem with them getting 'dreadlocked'? It's still soft, and still passes the CD test (just tried it). It's not quite as pretty, but iI can't see why it would damage your vehicle's finish...

Agreed. While I brush them out to keep the fluffy look, the dreadlocked fibers still holds a ton of suds and passes the cd test. My pads have been going on 2 years and have been going strong. I'm very careful to clean out any loose dirt that is embedded in the fibers via apc. Besides them looking different with the dreadlocked look, I also don't see the problem.

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I was confused months ago as to why I had been creating swirls in my corrected paint while using a 2-bucket wash, detail spray and GW drying towel; all the right techniques. Dylan told me a "dread locked" wash pad would do that. Do any of you guys notice a problem with swirls and can't figure out where the issue is? This may be it.

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I was confused months ago as to why I had been creating swirls in my corrected paint while using a 2-bucket wash, detail spray and GW drying towel; all the right techniques. Dylan told me a "dread locked" wash pad would do that. Do any of you guys notice a problem with swirls and can't figure out where the issue is? This may be it.

This makes perfect sense.  I guess I never thought of this before.  I usually use my merino wash mitt and I have never had this "dread lock" problem with that. 

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