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Schoolin' a Buddy


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Helped a friend detail his 2007 Honda VTX1800. He's had it since mid July and just got caught in some weather with it last week. The bike had 7,000 miles on it when he picked it up. He had no idea how to take care of it.


Two Bucket Washed w/Adam's Car Shampoo in grit guard buckets

Two 9x9 Mitts

Wheel Woolies

Boulder Blonde Boars Hair Wheel Brush

Trim and Lug Brush



Dried with my Master Blaster

Wiped down with DS and a couple Waterless Wash Waffleweave Mocrofibers

Clayed the front of the tank

Revive Hand Polish on all the painted surfaces

Metal Polishes 1 & 2 where needed

Brilliant Glaze on every bit of metal we could get to

Americana on all painted surfaces

Leather & Interior Cleaner on saddle

Leather Conditioner on Saddle

I took care of a few scratches the previous owner had left in the tank




Ended up using an orange 4" Microfiber pad on my cordless drill with the old SHR followed up with a white 4" foam pad and the old FMP.


I'm pretty sure an Essentials Detail Kit will be sold today with the 3.9oz Americana upgrade.

Edited by BRZN
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