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Complete from the Studio: A Complete Studio!


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Well...almost complete.  The last wall I'm going to finish sometime in the spring...








The flooring is Race Deck and was stupid easy to install...even with the cuts I had to make it only took about 3 hours.  If you're on the fence about it, just take the plunge...it's great stuff!  Also spring for a rubber mallet - it makes installation much faster and easier.  I used a simple Ryobi compound miter saw to make the tile cuts no sweat.


The garage door is insulated with Matador Grage Door Insualation - it's basically a styrofoam material that's also easy to install, but VERY messy to cut as little bits of styrofoam go all over and cling to everything...when I was done installing, I had to MetroVac the floor and myself. :lol:  While it doesn't insulate as well as the Corning fiberglass kit, I think it looks a lot better and the difference between the two can probably be made up with a small space heater in the winter time.


I'm planning on picking up one more T8 light fixture sometime in the near future, but as it stands I'm happy with the light output and don't forsee having any real dark spots with a car in there.


The door opener is a Sommer Direct Drive opener - it's completely silent and with insulation, the door doesn't rattle at all when going up or down.  Really neat to watch a 16 foot wide garage door go up and down in almost complete silence! 


Thanks for looking :)

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Nice work Frank it looks awesome! 


Wish my garage looked like that but I may be putting my house up for sale.


I agree with Chris.. Maybe you should get that exterior wall finished before the cold winter hits or at least insulate it.

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Looks great!  I've been checking out that flooring for a while now.  Good to know that it's up to snuff!  Have you dealt with any of the floor coatings before at all?  If so, would you still bother with them or just go straight to the Race Deck lineup?


Keep up the great work!

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My honeymoon and finishing that wall are the same price....honeymoon's gotta come first  :)


^^This is the reason why I have taught myself.  And yes my walls turn out perfect.  If you lived closer Frank, I would just come do it for you.  6 pieces of sheetrock and a couple buckets of mud.

Edited by LFairbanks
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