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Follow up Waxing



Just got introduced to Adams back in May, so I have a couple of questions regarding exterior maintenance.


I clayed, polished, sealed and waxed my truck a couple of months ago.  I'd like to do a follow up before the rains get here in October.


How often do I need to apply sealant assuming I wax my truck every 4-6 months?  Is there a way of telling when a vehicle needs to be resealed?  I used Quick Sealant, but I also have Machine Super Sealant.


I assume before resealing I need to strip the truck of the old wax using Dawn or APC?


Thanks for you help.

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3 answers to this question

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Morning Kevin,


When one needs to re-apply sealants or waxes really depends on how much earthly affects the paint has seen since the application of said products.  With Quick Sealant, I get about 8 months longevity out of it, having BG and APW layered over the top of it, here in Colorado.  Is the water still beading really tight on the paint?


For a strip wash, we recommend using 2-4oz. of Adam's APC into your Car Wash Shampoo bucket.  Dawn tends to not be very nice on exterior plastics.



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Thanks Mook.


It still beads pretty good.  I too used QS, BG and Americana.  We don't get much rain between May - October, and the truck is garaged during the night.  


Will "looser" beading be an indication that I need to reapply sealant?  I always thought beading had more to do with wax.



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Beading is ultimately due to the smoothness of the surface. Perfectly polished paint will bead to an extent. Throwing wax or sealant (any protection, basically) on top of that will further reduce the surface tension, almost to the point where the water looks like little marbles floating on top.


Once you see the water beads start to "flatten out" you'll know your layer of protection is starting to break down. Typically you only have to seal twice a year (immediately after, and then immediately before winter), and maintain with wax every month or so (depending on which wax you use). Americana will last 2-3 months.


Strip washes are only really necessary when you are going to reapply sealant and "start from scratch" - you don't necessarily need to strip wash when all you want to do is add more wax.


Mix APC with Shampoo in your wash bucket or foam gun, like Mook said, for strip washing.

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