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Noob w a question



I've started buying Adams products and have run into a question. So far I've purchased "swirl and haze remover", "paint correction polish", "paint finishing polish", and "buttery wax". Obviously the buttery wax is the last step, and the correcting polish & finishing polish are designed to be used together as a 2 step process.


My question is: where does the swirl & haze remover fit in?


I'm looking forward to learning a lot here!



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It doesn't now that they have the new 2 step system.  Swirl and Haze is part of the old 3 step system.


You can pick up some Fine Machine Polish and use it in conjunction with your swirl and haze remover.  It is on closeout see link below.  




There was a 3rd step which was severe swirl and haze remover.  Green product, green pad that was the first step in the process, but wasn't always necessary.  The new stuff supposedly does it all in 2 steps with quicker results.

Edited by LFairbanks
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