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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Awesome service

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I received my Labor Day order yesterday and upon opening the box I found two sprayers broken and in pieces laying in the bottom of a wash bucket. I took some pics and called the toll free line. Matt answered the phone and I told him my situation and he immediately shipped a pack of three sprayers out to me and I got the confirmation email while still on the phone with him. I have never had an issue with an Adams order ever and I was very pleased with the high level of customer service. I have talked on the phone to Ashley,Lynn, and Matt and they have all been amazing. Thank you Adam and your staff for going above and beyond and standing behind your products.

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:( I still have not gotten my order.


When did you place the order?  If you placed during the Labor day sale then that is probably why.  I just received my order today and I placed it on Sunday then added to it on Monday.  I know Adam's was absolutely covered up.  I am short a couple of items but have no worries.  Adam's has great customer service, so just contact them email or the toll free number.

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Ok I got it today. :) Some back ordered and some missing.

Mine was the same way. I contacted Matt yesterday to find out when items might ship, but the items were already in route and he provided me with the tracking number. Thank you Adam's.

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Awesome service indeed! Received my very first order from the labor day sale a little while back and found one of my gallon refills had leaked out during shipping (FedEx?Box was slightly damaged on a corner) contacted Nick and he got everything all squared out for me. I'm definitely an Adams customer for life!

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